Certified NLP Coach Practitioner Workshop


The science of human excellence

NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming or Psychology. It is a meta-disciplinary field; a field about other fields; to create excellence in the performance of human beings, no matter what they do. NLP is the art, science and technology of achieving personal, professional and corporate excellence.

NLP stands for

NEURO: The nervous system through which experience is received and processed through the five senses.

LINGUISTIC: Language and non-verbal communication systems through which neural representations are coded, ordered, and given meaning.

PROGRAMMING: The ability to organize our communication and neurological systems to achieve specific desired goals and results.

NLP enables you to understand change the way you think, feel, and behave. It helps you to choose what to do, and be what you want to be.

Sub-Conscious Mind

Conscious Mind

Higher Mind

Home of Resources

Home of Intelligence

Home of Inspiration

An Attitude characterized by a sense of curiosity, adventure, and desire to learn the skills to influence people. A methodology based on the fact that behavior has a structure, and that structure can be modelled, learned, taught and changed i.e. reprogrammed. A Technology enabling you to organize information and perception in ways that allow you to achieve results beyond your wildest dreams. NLP provides the `How to’ for exceptional results. NLP is the study of exceptional talent and how outstanding individuals and organizations get their results. NLP studies how we structure our subjective experience, how we structure our inner and outer communication, how we structure our thoughts and memories and how these structures and strategies be reprogrammed as desired. 

Who can benefit from NLP Coach Practitioner Workshop?

Everybody who would like to move from the understanding the human psychology and further into the Higher plane. The NLP Training is all about the rational mind and entering into the realm of wisdom. This training attracts people from many different professions –young people as well as seniors, men as well as women. You can meet young people and elderly people of both sexes and from several countries. NLP is mostly chosen by aspirants of personal development, potential coaches, trainers, speakers, content writers, communicators, counselors, therapist, high performing in business and sports, creative artist and strategists and so on.

NLP is more than just…..

When was the last time you really enjoyed buying something new? (Perhaps because you knew that what you were buying was going to be of unquestionable value to you.) Whether you decided on a car, a home, or an item of clothing – the sequence of thoughts, questions, and comparisons, which ultimately convinced you to make a good decision, will have been almost exactly the same. Our own unique buying strategy is just one of the literally hundreds of unconscious patterns that guide our choices and decisions and make up the fabric of our daily life.

The application of the mind-body technologies of NLP over the last twenty years have ranged from developments in the psychotherapeutic area to business, negotiation, performance enhancement, personal development, and more. Seeming miracles, like five minute cures of phobias and even allergies have been repeated so often as to become almost commonplace amongst practitioners. Along with such well documented models, more recent developments include alternative treatments for alcoholism and drug addiction, new mental training for athletes, and highly effective techniques to enhance parenting and learning. 

Individual Benefits

  • An even deeper knowledge of who you are and what is right for you.
  • An understanding of and practical tools for coaching.
  • An improved ability to be present in the Now.
  • A reduction of negative emotions and limiting assumptions you may have had about yourself.
  • An increased contact to and communication with your creative side/ your Spirit.
  • A clearer picture / feeling of what you really want in life, and a plan for how to get it.
  • A chance to change unhealthy habits.

You will learn about:

  • The four intelligences
  • The subconscious mind and how to communicate with it
  • How to balance your own energy
  • The elements behind physical manifestation
  • How you create goals and create the life you want
  • How you negotiate conflicting internal values
  • How you maintain focus during a stressful working day
  • The three centers
  • How to maintain perfect health
  • How to communicate with your higher mind
  • How you find your core values and personal mission
  • How to adjust your belief system so it supports your goals
  • How to release heavy or negative energy and balance yourself in line with the upcoming paradigm

NLP programs

Certified NLP
Coach Master Practitioner

Certified NLP
Master in Coaching

Certified NLP
Training of Trainers

Certified Self
Coaching Practitioner

Certified NLP
Life/Executive Coach

Wellness & Healing Coach

Meet your certified trainers and coaches

Mr. Indra B. Gurung

Mr. Indra B. Gurung is a Master Consciousness Coach, an ICTA Professional Master Trainer (Scholar) of Neuro Linguistic Psychology, Full Certified Trainer of Akasha Healing System, a certified Fire Walk Instructor & Outdoor Team Building Facilitator from UK, and Certified OI Practitioner from USA and Certified Consultant of Barrett Values Center from USA & Practitioner of Sports Culture Psychology from South Korea.

Ms. Rajeshwori Shrestha

Ms. Rajeshwori Shrestha holds Master in Clinical Psychology, Bachelor in Education, and Bachelor in Science (Biology) and is an outstanding Psychology and Healing Coach, an ICTA Professional Master Trainer (Scholar) of Neuro Linguistic Psychology, Full Certified Trainer of Akasha Healing System, and Certified OI Practitioner from USA and Practitioner of Sports Culture Psychology from South Korea. She is also certified practitioner of CBT and Family Counseling.

Certification and Accreditation Organization: