1st day: The nature of the three minds – the Conscious mind, the Subconscious mind and the Higher Mind. The energy bodies and the Chakra system – explored in practice.
2nd day: Morning meditation. Loosen up for negative emotions with breathing therapy and dynamic energy dancing. Cleaning out negative emotions. Higher Self connection and how to communicate with the Higher Self.
3rd day: Morning meditation. The four elements and how to balance the personal energy. How to communicate with the Subconscious Mind and elicit unbalances like limiting beliefs, internal parts and illness. In the end of the day the student receives the first nine healing symbols – primarily for healing oneself.
4th day: Morning meditation. Excursion to a nature spot and explore how to work with connection to nature. Later on the 4th day the student will work on how to integrate the nine healing symbols and use them in practice.
5th Day: Longer excursion to specific energy spots (normally in a mountain area) to practice a more intensive connection to energy in nature and how to achieve resources from that.
5th or 6th day: Morning meditation. How to do self-healing and healing others. Finding the mission of life. How to live a healthy life and maintain it. The student creates a personal plan.